seeking God

Wise Men, 22 December 2024

Wise Men
The Glory of Christmas: The Skit Guys
Kirk Schneemann
College First Church of God
December 22, 2024
Matthew 2:1-12
Series Big Idea: The Glory of Christmas is all about Jesus.
Big Idea: Wise men—and women—still seek Him…and bring gifts to the King.
The King of kings came first as a lowly servant.
How do you approach the manger? One of my favorite Christmas cliches is that “wise men still seek Him.” Wise women do, too.
Last week we saw how the birth of Jesus the Messiah was announced to Jewish shepherds by an angel. Today we see the birth of Jesus the Messiah was announced to possibly Gentile Magi—or wise men—by a star. This is a big deal because Jesus the Jewish Messiah is also the Gentile Messiah. Us Gentiles have been grafted into God’s plan for humanity, and for that I am so grateful.
After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem (Matthew 2:1)
There’s more to this sentence, but there’s plenty to dissect here first. Our scene takes place after Jesus was born, likely one or two years later. If you have a nativity scene with men carrying gifts, they should be placed far from the manger. One or two years away!
The second thing we see is this is during the time of King Herod, a very insecure leader as we will see in a minute. He ruled from 36 or 37 BCE until 1 or 4 BCE, depending upon your source.
Magi from the east are mentioned next. How many? We don’t know. Were they wise? Certainly educated. Were they kings? Not necessarily, though “We Three Kings” is a fun song to sing (and the first widely popular Christmas carol written in the USA back in 1857!).
What are their names? The Bible doesn’t say, but legend says they were called Melchior, Caspar, and Balthazar.
The east was likely Babylon or Persia, modern-day Iraq or Iran, though possibly as far away as India. We only know “from the east,” but their journey was between 500 and 1000 miles—by foot or camel—taking weeks or even months. These Magi are dedicated! Would you walk 500 miles…to meet Jesus?
After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem 2 and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” (Matthew 2:1-2)
The Magi are in Jerusalem inquiring about the birth of the king of the Jews, one who even had his own star (then again, Jesus created everything!). Remember, no GPS, no cable news, they didn’t have radios or a printing press to obtain information, but they were astrologers who paid attention to the stars. They thought the stars delivered messages from the gods.
Jews believed in one God who created the universe, but these were probably Gentile Magi. God used a star this one time to convey a most important message to these men.
Are any of you sky gazers? One of the things I love about Findlay versus larger cities where I’ve lived is on a clear night, you can see more stars. The sky is magnificent! I confess I don’t know all the constellations, but I can find the Big Dipper! I remember my first trip to South America, gazing above and seeing an entirely different set of stars.
The Star Prophecy comes from the book of Numbers.
            “I see him, but not now;
                        I behold him, but not near.
            A star will come out of Jacob;
                        a scepter will rise out of Israel.
            He will crush the foreheads of Moab,
                        the skulls of all the people of Sheth. (Numbers 24:17)
Remember, Jewish shepherds were led by an angel’s words. Now Gentile Magi are led by a star.
We really don’t know much about these wise men, but many theories exist. Some have suggested a link with the prophet Daniel hundreds of years earlier.
Then the king placed Daniel in a high position and lavished many gifts on him. He made him ruler over the entire province of Babylon and placed him in charge of all its wise men. (Daniel 2:48)
There are countless articles and videos about the wise men, but little in the Bible itself.
When King Herod heard this he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him. (Matthew 2:3)
“A king is born? I’m the king,” Herod must’ve thought. It’s not like they had an election every four years! He’s not what we would call a nice guy, having murdered family members and eventually all baby boys two years and younger. Can you imagine?
When he had called together all the people’s chief priests and teachers of the law, he asked them where the Messiah was to be born. (Matthew 2:4)
King Herod didn’t know the details, so he asked the Jewish leaders. What’s remarkable is how they apparently had no interest in traveling the six miles from Jerusalem to Bethlehem! It’s not enough to know about God. We need to pursue and worship Jesus!
“In Bethlehem in Judea,” they replied, “for this is what the prophet has written:
 “ ‘But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah,
            are by no means least among the rulers of Judah;
for out of you will come a ruler
            who will shepherd my people Israel.’” (Matthew 2:5-6)
This is a prophecy from Micah 5:2, one of hundreds that Jesus the Messiah fulfilled.
Then Herod called the Magi secretly and found out from them the exact time the star had appeared. 8 He sent them to Bethlehem and said, “Go and search carefully for the child. As soon as you find him, report to me, so that I too may go and worship him.” (Matthew 2:7-8)
Nice try, Herod! You want to worship this boy? Right!!! Herod was lying. He only wanted to know where Jesus was so he could end any rival to his dynasty by killing the boy king.
After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen when it rose went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. 10 When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. (Matthew 2:9-10)
This is no ordinary star. It moves. It guides them. Then it stops. It reminds me of the way God led the people of Israel through the wilderness for forty years, a cloud by day and fire by night. There are many scientific theories about this star, but it is my belief that it’s simply one of the many miraculous components Jesus’ birth and early years.
On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. (Matthew 2:11)
The Magi came to the house, not the birthplace of Jesus. It’s interesting how Joseph’s not mentioned. Maybe he was out hunting for food or building a model spaceship for his son (maybe not!).
The Magi bow down and worship the boy. They bring him treasured gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. This is the only reference to “three” Magi, but there may have been two or twenty! Three looks nice on Christmas cards (again, this was one or two years after Jesus was born) and three is a common number in the Bible…but we don’t know!
We do know these three gifts were special and all connected to temple worship.
Gold is…gold (presently about $2500/ounce!) and the temple was covered in it.
Frankincense is resin from the Boswellia tree, used for cosmetic, medicinal, and religious purposes. It was burned in the temple twice a day for its aroma and was more valuable—by weight—than gold. The smoke of the burned frankincense represented the prayers of the saints ascending to God.
Myrrh is sap from the Commiphora tree, used for embalming, burial, medicinal, and cosmetic purposes.
These are extremely expensive gifts.
We don’t know for sure, but some have linked the Magi to a passage in the book of Isaiah that mentions kings, which is probably where the idea of “We Three Kings” originated.
Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn…Herds of camels will cover your land, young camels of Midian and Ephah. And all from Sheba will come, bearing gold and incense and proclaiming the praise of the LORD. (Isaiah 60:3, 6)
Again, we don’t know. What we do know is…
And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route. (Matthew 2:12)
God spoke to them in a dream…and they obeyed. Today, Epiphany or “Three Kings Day” is a Christian feast day commemorating the visit of the Magi to meet Jesus.
So What?
God orchestrated every detail of this story. Pagan Magi—seeking other gods—encountered the one true God. They delivered treasures that helped the holy family flee to Egypt while Herod massacred innocent boys.

Wise men—and women—still seek Him. These Magi traveled 1000+ miles round trip, proving their love for Jesus with their timetravel, and treasures.
What will you bring Jesus for His birthday?

Psalm 1: Blessed, 3 July 2022

Psalm 1: Blessed
Series—Restoring Your Soul: Psalms

Series Big Idea:
The Psalms are filled with passionate expressions of the soul.
Big Idea: True blessings are found in seeking and following the LORD.
Shortcuts. We all love short cuts. The modern expression is hacks. How can do have it our way…now? Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die. Everybody wants to be rich, but nobody wants to work. Everybody wants a fit spouse, but nobody wants to be the one going to the gym. Everybody wants a degree, but nobody wants to study. Everybody wants to play the piano, but nobody wants to practice.
I realize everybody and nobody are exaggerations, but it’s true, right? We all want hacks to make life easier. Here’s one for you:
Everybody wants to be blessed, but nobody wants to obey the LORD.
Today we’re beginning a summer series on the Psalms called “restoring your soul.” Psalms may be my favorite book of the Bible. It is the songbook of scripture, though we don’t have the original music, unfortunately. I recently learned of an Australian musical group called The Sons of Korah who are trying to put all 150 psalms to music! They have dozens completed thus far.
The Psalms are filled with passionate expressions of the soul from a number of different writers. It is my prayer that they will speak not only to your mind, but also your heart and soul
A blessing is literally “God’s favor and protection.” Who doesn’t want that?
Today we’re beginning our series with Psalm…one! Its first letter is the first letter in the Hebrew alphabet. I learned in studying for this sermon the Psalms have five sections or books just like the Pentateuch, the first five books of Moses that begin the Old Testament, the Jewish Bible. Psalm one is something of an introduction to the entire songbook, but it’s a simple yet profound piece of wisdom. The big idea is
true blessings are found in seeking and following the LORD. Don’t look for shortcuts. You can pray for blessings—for yourself or others—but we can participate with our lives.
The New International Version of Psalm 1 begins
Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, (Psalm 1:1, NIV)
That’s a mouthful. We’re going to use the
New Living Translation this morning, but I want you to catch the “blessed.” Some versions say “happy.” The original Hebrew word is “Asheri.” That doesn’t mean much to most of you, but the NLT translates it
Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked,
or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers. (Psalm 1:1, NLT)
I used to tell my kids, “You are your friends. Choose wisely.” Perhaps you’ve heard, “Birds of a feather, flock together.” Paul said,
“Bad company corrupts good character” (1 Cor. 15:33). We are all influenced by others, whether it’s family, friends, or even social media. Who do you hang with? Are they wicked? Do they sin without regret or repentance? Do they mock others? Are they filled with pride? What comes out of their mouth? Would it be appropriate around children?
The very first sentence of the very first Psalm says one is blessed not when they ask God to bless them, but rather when they don’t let the wicked influence them. There is effort involved. There is self-control involved. It may mean thinking twice about how you spend your time…with whom you spend your time!
This does not mean we should never develop relationships with non-Christians. It does mean in doing so we need to shine light into the darkness, not let our light get snuffed out by the darkness. Notice the progression: walk/follow, stand, sit/join. The righteous don’t have time to stand around and mock and gossip because they’re delighting in the LORD.
The LORD said to Joshua,
Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. (Joshua 1:8)
You’ll be blessed!
The psalmist continues the thought in verse two:
But they delight in the law of the LORD, meditating on it day and night. (Psalm 1:2, NLT)
This is what a blessed person does. If you want to experience joy, this is what you do. You fill your mind with truth. You meditate not on your navel, but on the scriptures! According to numerous studies, biblical illiteracy has been on the increase for decades. Even many so-called Christians don’t know what the Bible says…or act like they don’t! I’ve been amazed—especially in the past few years—at the ungodly attitudes of so-called Christians. I expect the world to act like the world, but the lack of love, peace, compassion, empathy, courage, sacrifice, patience, and goodness of many who claim to follow Christ is evidence many simply don’t meditate on the Word of God. They’ve been more influenced by political parties or trendy ideas than on the law of the LORD.
Family, we need to meditate on the Bible day and night. Just reading it isn’t sufficient. Thirty minutes on Sunday morning is not enough. Most people I know eat more than one meal a week…more than one meal a day! We need to not only feed our bodies, we need to feed our minds. We need to feast on God’s Word, especially when we’re exposed to countless lies every day on billboards, television, and the Internet.
The Hebrew word for meditate,
hagah, means to moan, growl, ponder. The same word is found in Isaiah 3:14 for a lion’s low growling and later for the cooing of a dove. Perhaps you’ve tried to memorize something, repeating it quietly out loud. Day and night the blessed, the happy, the joyful marinate their minds on God’s Word. It is their delight. By the way, the Hebrew word for “law,” Torah, is more than just rules. It’s all of the stories, prophecies, and instructions in the Bible, provided for us to know and understand God and reality.
It's no wonder our world is filled with so many opinions and perspectives. People are reading different books…literally! What is your basis for faith? For truth? For understanding life?
We’ve given you several tools to help you meditate on God’s Word. Let me remind you of some of them:
1.    Mission 119. This free app will guide you through the entire Bible over about 20 months. Alliance Pastor John Soper will give you scriptures and offer a daily audio commentary on the passage, which is especially helpful in those difficult texts. I’m doing it for the third time now and it’s one of the best habits I’ve ever done.
    Lectio 365. This is another free app which has both a morning and an evening meditation on God’s Word. It provides space for prayer and reflection as well as biblical content. Heather and I do it most every day together and it’s one of the best investments we’ve made in ourselves and our marriage.
    RightNow Media. First Alliance pays for you to have a free subscription to this huge library of videos, all available on your mobile device or streaming box. There are resources for children, small groups, and personal Bible study from some of the best teachers on the planet.
    YouVersion. This is so much more than a Bible app. It’s packed with Bible reading plans, videos, a verse of the day, and the “live” section has First Alliance Church each week!
    Life Groups. The heart of First Alliance is not actually Sunday morning in rows, but in circles with small groups. It’s difficult to interact with my preaching live (unless you’re online; chat away!), but doing life together with others is a terrific environment to not only feed on the Bible but also digest it into your soul.
Of course, there are many other ways to get God’s Word in your heart, letting it fill your mind. The best Bible translation is…the one you read! I like the New Living Translation and the New International Version, but if you prefer a different one, go for it! I like my
NIV Study Bible and my Life Application Bible.
One core value of our Alliance family states, “Knowing and obeying God’s Word is fundamental to all true success.”
One of this church’s core values says, “We are committed to prayer, the Word of God, and following Jesus.” Don’t miss that last part. It’s not enough to know it in your head. It needs to leak into your heart and hands, too!

Arguably the best chapter in the Bible about the Bible is Psalm 119. It’s the longest chapter in the Bible (176 verses!). If you want a great place to start meditating on God’s Word, read it slowly. Those who delight in God’s Word, those who meditate on it…
They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do. (Psalm 1:3, NLT)
Have you ever slowed down long enough to observe trees? God designed them to get nourishment through their roots and the results can be seen in the leaves. It seems like trees near water have an advantage! Even when the weather is dry, a tree near water is able to drink. They are able to bear fruit. I love fruit, especially fresh fruit!
But have you ever had bad fruit? Moldy fruit? Those who feed on God’s Word, those who meditate on the LORD, will produce good fruit, the fruit of the Spirit.
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23a, NIV)
This is the fruit of doing life with God, filling our minds with truth and righteousness. Note trees don’t eat their own fruit, but produce it to benefit others. That’s true for the righteous.
But not the wicked! They are like worthless chaff, scattered by the wind. (Psalm 1:4, NLT)
I’m no gardener, but I know the wheat and chaff are separated. One has value, the other is worthless trash. The kernel falls to the threshing floor and saved while the chaff blows away. Imagine a watermelon. You eat the fruit and throw away the rind, right? This is how God describes the wicked, those who ignore God and His wisdom. It gets worse.
They will be condemned at the time of judgment. Sinners will have no place among the godly. (Psalm 1:5, NLT)
Judgment Day is coming…for all humans. Are you ready? I know our culture is filled with gray, but scripture repeatedly talks about the sheep and the goats, the wide and narrow road, heaven and hell. There are two paths. Which have you taken? It’s never too late to repent, turn, and follow Jesus.
For the LORD watches over the path of the godly, but the path of the wicked leads to destruction. (Psalm 1:6, NLT)
Which path are you choosing?
Jesus once said,
He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.” (Luke 11:28, NIV)
It’s not enough to hear it. It’s not enough to read it. We must live it!
Do you want to be blessed? There’s something you can do about it! To experience God’s favor, you need to seek and follow Him. It’s not enough to say, “Bless me, LORD!” There are no shortcuts. You need to spend time with Him, meditate on His Word, surround yourselves with others who will speak the truth in love and model a Jesus lifestyle. Garbage in, garbage out. Good stuff in, good stuff out!
The message today is quite simple, yet we’re so easily enticed by the lies of this world and miss the pathway to blessings. It’s ultimately about seeking and following the LORD. It’s about building your life around Jesus. It’s about Christ being our cornerstone…our life!
Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people he chose for his inheritance. (Psalm 33:12, NIV)
May God bless the United States of America this week as we celebrate our freedom…and may He bless every nation on earth!

You can listen to this message and others at the First Alliance Church podcast here.

You can watch this video and others at the First Alliance Church Video Library